This is an unfair world. It's obvious that if you're good at maths, all the world would be clapping on you. But if you're good in arts or music, nobody will be interested. And that's exactly what schools do. They fill up the student's minds of things that need to be memorized. But nobody cares about kids's creativity.
Ken Robinson talks about the opposition between schools and creativity. I think he's pretty right. I just can talk about what I lived. And I think that someone shot me in the creative part of my brain. Truth is that I passed about 6 years of my life memorizing a lot of things that I surely don't remember now.
That's because the best thing that you can do is being right. There's no a lot of space for discussion or for creating things. (I say it again: this is my experience). So, we all grow up frighten of being wrong, as Robinson says.
I would really love teaching. Maybe I will do it some day.

(2) Comments

  1. Anónimo On 27 de junio de 2009, 19:29

    No te preocupes, nosotros tampoco. (Me niego a hablar en otro idioma que no sea el español)

    Paula On 4 de julio de 2009, 17:08

    Pretty good, Ricardo.

    I´d say "clap TO" and "good AT", and "frightenED" though.

    This is the evaluation criteria used:

    All aspects of the task are very well handled. 3 points

    Excellent use of lexical resources.
    3 Points

    Grammar is excellent and almost error-free. 3 points.

    Score: 9 points. Grade: 7.0


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