We have had four subjects this semester. So, there's not so many options. One of them is an absolute foolishness, I hate the teacher of one of the others, and the other two are pretty nice.

If I have to choose one, I would choose Comunicación Interpersonal. It is teached by Claudio Salinas. He is smart and easygoing, so going to class is very nice.

In that subject, we have learned about the dialy life. As its name says, we talk about the interpesonal communication. It's very interesting because we talk a lot about psychology, wich is a very important topic for me. I mean, as a journalism, I'm going to work with people and to the people. They're are going to read what I write. So, I have to know the way that our mind fuctions. In order to make better messages.

We have also talked about stereotypes, the way they're built and their components. One of the reasons because I decided to study journalism was my will to break stereotypes. I think they're pretty unfair. And well, if I want to break them, I have to know the way they function.

And well, I have learnt a lot of other things in the semester. Especially in Comunicación Interpersonal and in another wonderful subject called Análisis de la Imagen Fija. I don't want to talk about the other two subjects because I feel that I haven't learned a lot in them. That makes me feel angry and frustrated and today I'm too happy to fill my heart with these ugly feelings.

(2) Comments

  1. Paula On 25 de junio de 2009, 10:36

    Good, Ricardo.

    You say, "If I HAD to choose one, I would choose..."

    And also, it is TAUGHT, because "teach" is an irregular verb.

    Last, "to fill my heart UP with"

    You get 2 points.


    Also, work "with the people and FOR the people"

    And, "one of the reasons WHY I study..."

    Paula On 25 de junio de 2009, 10:38

    Sorry for the mess, Ricardo. I don´t feel good today.

    You take care, OK?


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