This is an unfair world. It's obvious that if you're good at maths, all the world would be clapping on you. But if you're good in arts or music, nobody will be interested. And that's exactly what schools do. They fill up the student's minds of things that need to be memorized. But nobody cares about kids's creativity.
Ken Robinson talks about the opposition between schools and creativity. I think he's pretty right. I just can talk about what I lived. And I think that someone shot me in the creative part of my brain. Truth is that I passed about 6 years of my life memorizing a lot of things that I surely don't remember now.
That's because the best thing that you can do is being right. There's no a lot of space for discussion or for creating things. (I say it again: this is my experience). So, we all grow up frighten of being wrong, as Robinson says.
I would really love teaching. Maybe I will do it some day.
We have had four subjects this semester. So, there's not so many options. One of them is an absolute foolishness, I hate the teacher of one of the others, and the other two are pretty nice.

If I have to choose one, I would choose Comunicación Interpersonal. It is teached by Claudio Salinas. He is smart and easygoing, so going to class is very nice.

In that subject, we have learned about the dialy life. As its name says, we talk about the interpesonal communication. It's very interesting because we talk a lot about psychology, wich is a very important topic for me. I mean, as a journalism, I'm going to work with people and to the people. They're are going to read what I write. So, I have to know the way that our mind fuctions. In order to make better messages.

We have also talked about stereotypes, the way they're built and their components. One of the reasons because I decided to study journalism was my will to break stereotypes. I think they're pretty unfair. And well, if I want to break them, I have to know the way they function.

And well, I have learnt a lot of other things in the semester. Especially in Comunicación Interpersonal and in another wonderful subject called Análisis de la Imagen Fija. I don't want to talk about the other two subjects because I feel that I haven't learned a lot in them. That makes me feel angry and frustrated and today I'm too happy to fill my heart with these ugly feelings.
I'm 19 years old. I'm in the second year of my career. So, in 5 years I'm going to be 24 years old and hopefuly, I'm going to be working. The question is... ¿in what? and the answer is: I really don't know.

There are so many possibilities. I'd like to be working in a magazine, writing about the things that I care of (there is no need to tell you wich those things are, because I've written about that some entries ago). Anyway, I'd really love to work in a magazine. I wouldn't like to work in a newspaper. The tv is a good option too. But if I work in the tv, it has to be in a good show. No in those stupid shows that are aired by now in the chilean tv.

You may be thinking: "you're going to say no to all the works". And well, I don't know. But I really wouldn't like to work in a place where I'm not confortable. Working in a thing that I think is useful is pretty important to me.

In the personal area, the things are more clear to me. I think that I'm going to love the same person that I love now. I'm going to be living with him in a nice departament. Here in Santiago, I think. But I can't stop dreaming of living in Spain or England. Anyway, we're going to have some beautiful pets. We love animals!

I hope (and think) that I'm going to have the same fantastic relationship that I have by now with my family. They're magnificents and I'll never be away of them. I mean, if I live in other country, they have to go to see me!
In my ideal future, I will be traveling, knowing a lot of new things and being absolutly happy.

9:38 3 comentarios

Thanks to this task, I've come to realize that I haven't got any references in journalism. I mean, I love the work of some journalist but they're not my references. Anyway, I'm going to talk about a great writer, journalism and film director. He is chilean and his name is Alberto Fuget.

I didn't know a lot about his work until I bought a book written by him called 'Mala Onda'. I read it in the past vacation while I was sitting in the sand in Viña del Mar. I was passing through a strange moment in my life and I may say that this book helped me to understand some things about life. Well, it was a point to Fuguet, but it wasn't enough to become a fan of his.

And then, some months ago I bought another book. The book is called 'El mejor periodismo chileno de 2009'. In the book, there are a lot of cronicles, interviews and reportages. One of the cronicles is 'No es ciudad para débiles'. It's a gret story about Mexico City and it was written by, guess who? Alberto Fuguet. In that book, I found that Fuguet studied journalism in Universidad de Chile. That is a big point to him.

And another day, reading a magazine I found another cronicle written by Fuguet. It was amazing! I just loved it. And it wasn't just a stupid story about something that happened some day. He took a story about a suicide and wrote a reflection about the non-places. A fantastic theory made by Marc Augé, Michael de Certeau and some others anthropologists. That cronicle made me see some things of live in another way, too. The name of the cronicle is 'Ir de picnic a no-lugares'.

The last thing that I have known about Fuguet is that he launched a website called 'Cinepata'. In Cinepata you cand find long movies and shorts. The good point is that all is for free. You can download the movies without being illegal. I downloaded a short directed by Fuguet called '2 horas'. And it was really good. It has a great photography.

So, all those things that I have said makes him one of the best. I love his work because it's deep. It's not another new that you read in the newspaper. He writes things that makes you think. And I believe that his Cinepata idea is just amazing.